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Apple Note JXA

Simple module to read, edit, and manage Apple Notes throught JXA (offline)

Using this module in other modules

Here is a quick example of how this module can be used in other modules. The TypeScript Module Resolution Logic makes it quite easy. The file src/index.ts acts as an aggregator of all the functionality in this module. It imports from other files and re-exports to provide a unified interface for this module. The package.json file contains main attribute that points to the generated lib/index.js file and typings attribute that points to the generated lib/index.d.ts file.

  • To use in TypeScript file -
import * as Notes from "apple-notes-jxa";

  .then((accounts) => console.log(accounts));
  • To use in a JavaScript file -
const Notes = require('apple-notes-jxa');

  .then((accounts) => console.log(accounts));

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